Tuesday, June 8, 2010

And the wedding season begins...

So I'm pretty sure I told you that CK's GMOM has been praying for a wedding for years.  Well, God was listening this year because she got 4 engagements!! Now, I have previously talked about CK's cousin "happy" who is having a mexian fiesta next May and her sister, J, who is having the Penn State wedding this Aug, but his uncle also decided to have a wedding and picked the first week in June.  Therefore, they are the first ones to go :)

June is the month for weddings, everybody knows that June is THE month for the ideal wedding. Now, you know how I feel about these wedding rules, I mean why June?  I guess because the weather is usually pretty nice. However, while waiting for the train with Ck's cousin she told me that a wedding person she talked to earlier in the week said...

 "Well, you know October is the new June"
ha! who knew!?? But this isn't about me, its about CK's uncle's wedding. 

The bride had her ladies in eggplant dresses by Bill Levekoff (he has a huge variety if you dont have your dresses picked yet!) They looked similiar to this...

The Venue was beautiful...The Ceremony was in the ballroom (this is not a picture of their actual wedding but one of the site's website)... Those windows had a great view of the city.

And the curtains opened up to the great ballroom for the reception, while guests had a fabulous time eating amazing food during cocktail hour. The ballroom looked like this, notice the crowd molding (my artistic eye was in A.D.D heaven-always something to look at)...

But now on to the details of the table setting at the reception (so beautiful!). The bride used both red and gold to incorporate her Asian background)...(all personal photos taken by my awesome I-phone)...

First, the table numbers, we pretty cool...

Then the menu was uniquely placed and as soon as we sat down, a lady came over and took our main dish choice.  Now, J's fiance was a little confused by this and asked for a "Gin and Tonic Please" so that was good for a laugh.  Interesting concept though, that you don't pre-select you entree with the RSVP, right? the boys seemed to also be a little confused on why you had a regular plate and then a larger gold one, " Yes dear, that's called a charger plate".

And then the centerpieces, a thing brides stress over and over and over.  This wedding had three different ones.  One of the boys asked why the need for different ones.  I explained that its not appropriate to have all tall centerpieces because then they compete at the eye level, plus you also cant see as much (it was then that I thought, ugggh K you are such a bride)

and the last centerpiece was at our table...would you be surprised if I told you the topic of the table was the boys trying to decide how many beers could fit in the vase? 6? 8? 12? hmm...

Ok, so sorry that's all I've got, CK's started dancing and it was pretty distracting, so I forgot to take any more pics. But one of many weddings we will all be attending and I am so excited! Not only does it mean more excuses to buy new shoes and dresses but I get to see everyone more than I typical would, YAY!  Next up, J in August, tag you're it :)

Is June really the best month for weddings?? (p.s.- anyone seen Bridal Wars, they both haaaad to have a june wedding!)

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