Sunday, June 13, 2010

I *heart* his hair (but don't tell him that)

Hair. You wouldn't think its that big of a deal but when it comes to events that require lots of pictures, it is.  Ck is notoooorious for shaving his head the day before school pictures or before a homecoming dance.  I have a long talk with him the night before picture day (remember we've been together since we were 14) and we discuss what he is going to wear and practice showing his pearly whites and then he makes some comment about how I'm making a bigger deal then needed.

Listen, someone told me a long time ago, that you should treat life as if it was a runway -Ck will never understand this.  (though I must confess sometimes I go grocery shopping in my sweatpants on Sundays-but I'm working on that.)  Anyway, we have this discussion about how he is going to act in his photo, rolling eyes and all, and then he takes me home.  When I picked him up in the morning for school, his head is shaved.  Devastation sets in.  Ok, dramatics aside, he looks cute to me no matter what his hair looks like, but I absolutely love his hair long.  It's been years, years, I tell you since it's been like this. 

A year and half ago it was getting long and I played it cool like I didn't care if he shaved it or not (ohh the tricks we have to play) and it worked.  He kept it growing.  Then his GMom said "I love your hair like this.  When you get married this is how you should have your hair".   I kid you not the boy shaved his head that freakin night! Ugggh

However, now that he is getting married and has his two favorite ladies pushing for the long, crazy, Italian curls, he almost doesn't really have a choice.  Remember when I talked about his uncle's wedding we went to last weekend?  Well this was the first time we have seen a lot of his family members and the first time they have seen his long hair.  Most of the women smiled as the couldn't help but put their fingers through it and the men just laughed, shaking their heads.  Ck claims he is getting made fun of at work for his hair.  I questioned if it were men or women, because most women aren't really complaining!!! 

Ck search for hair inspirations  of "other fools who have no choice on their hair" and came across this character from one of his favorite movie series that he dragged me to every year...

And then I got a little concerned that he would flip out when his google search lead him to a character of one of my favorite movie series that I dragged him to every year...

Oh man, he does kinda have the Edward thing going on, and I swear, I never thought of that before!  (you should know the CK hates anything that is trendy or cool, so he would think this is very uncool if someone compared them together so I assured him they looked nothing alike :) ).

Oh yea and on that note, don't tell him he looks like a Gotti boy either, or he will def. shave his head.

But at last here is a sneak peak at his current hair status from his Uncle's wedding last weekend.  It's getting pretty long.  I know he is going to have to trim it because its pretty long.  Now, just so you know, if I do something he hates, I am threatened with "I don't give a sh*t, I will shave my head if you...." buy another thing pink (is usually the end of that sentence) hahah. (p.s.- notice the pink on us-yay!)

(personal photo)

Anyone have hair restrictions on themselves or the groom's head for their wedding?

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