Sunday, June 6, 2010

People are so mean...

So I know I promised to share about the shore shower and some more wedding stuff but, it was a bad week. Bad week, period.  Some of you may know that I was presenting for many addiction therapists on Wed. and I was already anxious about this, because although "its a great resume builder", its a lot of work and a lot of stress, even for someone extroverted like me. I knew that I know my stuff, but just think some of these therapists have been in the field for as long as I have been alive!  I think that's one of the things I struggle with the most in my 20's, being blond and young, sometimes you don't get taken seriously. Well anyway, its went great, however, the night before I was running around finishing up all the packets of handouts I had, and my BM, FB, convinced me that what I really needed was to go for a walk and de-stress.  YES!!! So, I was running a little late from work but I got there.  We were literally gone, maybe 20 minutes because then they was a horrible thunderstorm and we got soaked and power walked back.  We came back to this....

They stole everything. My bag full of all my handouts for my presentation, all that work, down the drain. Now what will this person need with the 12 steps of AA?? I dont know, probably will end up in the trash somewhere. They also stole my purse, which is more like a duffle-bag. Not only do they now have my GPS, drivers ID, bank cards, my heart meds (that I couldnt get before my presentation because CVS was concerned since I just filled them), but also all my wedding stuff that I carry around in a book. All my color swatches, photos of the dresses, save the dates, my zipdrive that I have all the wedding stuff saved on, and the other zipdrive which held the original documents of all my presentation handouts.

Ughh! People are so mean. I hope it was a drug addict thats planning a wedding, because then this will help in some cosmic way. Boo. Just think, someone is looking through all my things right now. Man, I hope they like pink and all the tampons and lipgloss. But one of the most annoying things, is that I was already going to have to get all new things in 3 1/2 months when I change my name.  Now, I'm going to have to this all over again in October.  What a waste of time and money...Is there someone out there pretending to be me right now??

What would you do if you lost your wedding planning materials in the heaviest time of your planning?

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