Thursday, April 22, 2010

Happy Draft Day :)

Well readers, Happy Draft day :) Incase you are unaware Today is the first day ever that the NFL draft is on a Thursday night, getttt excited :) I always remember when the draft is because its around my birthday week and eagles fans always look a little more hopeful than usual.  Yes, in my household as a child, and now as an adult, football runs the show.  Meals and birthdays revolve around the games, which don't happen until the draft. But yes, sadly, the Eagles are not so fabulous at drafting, and tend to disappoint like rain on your wedding day...
 Soo why am I writing about this? Well, my sister, N, is in a wedding this summer that is Steelers themed.  Just think bright yellow and black, with a cake-topper of a groom dressed in a Steelers uniform (ugh, my inner eagle fan voice just wants to yell GAG ME!) Petty rival comments aside, a football themed wedding could be very creative (but don't let CK know I said that, otherwise I can see all this planning changing quickly).  So, in the spirit of the NFL draft, I share with you some football themed weddings, like the one N will be in this year.

This first one is a navy blue and white colored football wedding.  Which kinda reminds me of CK's other favorite team, the lovely PENN STATE (which is actally where we will be going in Aug for his cousin J's wedding-super psyched for it too!!)....

And this next wedding collage reminds me of the only other college team I heart, the Texas Longhorns, and check out the cake topper, super cute...

And then there are the weddings that are actually at the field. hmm, at least you know there will be enough parking spaces, right?....

And this football themed wedding, had a pretty non-traditional cake...

And lastly, I just looove this creative photo from this bridal shoot, and actually may steal it for my wedding (remember when CK was referring to our BM and GMs as "our teams"?)...

Ever think of planning your day around *his* favorite sports team?

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