Monday, May 31, 2010

What's up with School?

Just to keep you up to date, I applied to two doctoral programs that would begin this fall, hence why the wedding is being planned in 6 months.  It is very hard to focus on school, when there are things like weddings to plan.  A few of you have inquired though so here's the scoop.  I actually was accepted to one of the programs, the school that I got my Masters at, I was 1/10 to be accepted and there we 900+ applicants, so it was kind of a big deal.  The issue is that during the interview it was implied that I could be kicked out of the 5-7 year program if I had children because I could lose focus.  After a long talk with CK, we decided that we could not promise that this would not happen in the next 5-7 years.  The other school only took 5 students into their program out of 900+ (probably a lot of the same students applied to both).  This school said they have no problem with children or working full time so I knew it was the one I would want to go to.  Due to the fact that they only took 5 students, they created two wait lists, A and B.  I am on A, which is good, but still not an acceptance.  I should find out by the end of July, which is still a little nerve racking.  Luckily, I have a great job and my masters degree so, this has given me more time to plan the wedding :)  And if I don't get in officially then I try next year or I start my family, either way I know whats meant to be will be. 

Have any of your career goals alter wedding plans throughout the process??

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