Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Playing Dress Up was more fun when you were younger

Last night by BM, "FB" and I, went out on our first search for fabulous BM dresses.  Please dont gasp or yell, I know, I know, I need to get this done ASAP but there has been a lot of other happy distractions. This week, however, is about staying focused and getting this picked out, otherwise my girls will be walking down naked! (Which might not go with the formal idea of the wedding :) Soo, we started out at a local bridal store chain to start to get a concept.  We figured we wouldn't find anything but that we could get a general idea, right?  Turns out they didnt have the right shade of pink or silver that I was looking for anyway, surprise, surprise...but wait til you see some of these ridiculous dresses, poor FB, playing dress up for me.  Luckily, I'm not one of those brides who says it looks good when it doesnt.  I mean if you are going to ask someone who you really care about in your wedding to spend a lot of money on a dress, you would hope you could find something that looks somewhat nice.  Also, this whole concept of maybe being able to wear it again, I think was made up by the dress shop commission gods because really? You are going to wear a formal gown again, really? c'mon, lets not kid ourselves.  Luckily, FB has a good fashion inner critic so we were on the same page with a lot of stuff.  K, so check out the pics, (obviously dont pay attention to the colors, its just what they had in the style-not the actual color we'd pick)..

Not formal enough, No.

Not the right material, no.

Like the trumpet shape, but not the separates look, NO.

Underwear lines, noo.

We kinda liked this one, but nope not right.

This one I think is not so bad, but I dont know about the belt, ehh, No.

This one was probably my favorite, but still, not exactly what I was thinking...

So off we go to another shop tomorrow, with the other BMs texting me checking in on how the search is going, and I'm crossing my fingers on this shop because I know they carry some dresses in the colors I like. I'm sure it gets old going to a lot of different shops, plus we're busy girls, so I'm so lucky that she cares enough to do this with me, and I owe her bigggg time :)

How did you pick your BM  dresses??

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