Monday, May 3, 2010

Green with Envy...

Eonline writes: Seth Green, actor, 36, has married his girlfriend Clare Grant,30, according to Green’s rep. The two were married in a Vineyard in Northern California in a private ceremony on Saturday, May 1, 2010. May Day was a beautiful day for a wedding!   Another source says they got married at George Lucas's Ranch/Mansion.  Funny how things get so twisted so fast, right? Either way congrats to the actor and with that comes the inspiration of the Day- Green weddings.  Now it wouldn't be a KWAK entry if there wasn't some pink.  So you will notice a lot of these photos include green annnd pink (P.S. which are my kitchen colors too).

First up gotta love their lime green, hot pink, and black theme...

Next, I loved this idea when I was looking at floral arrangements, but was worried that things would go bad.

And this one, I love the center photo, the photography was so creative. I love how you see the petals in the front and the couple in the background, so into the different views :)

In this wedding, isn't their cake so creative?? How fun! and the light pink looks great with the green too.

And you can't talk about Green weddings, without discussing "going Green", so with this I share a eco-friendly wedding, I like the tree details!...

and lastly I share another bday present from my BMaid, FB, only because it fits the theme of pink and green.  It's a fun pitcher set, totally what I need as the weather is getting verrrry hot here in Philly land.

 (personal photo)

So green can be pretty fabulous, especially when paired with pink.  I'm still going with my silver, gold, and pink theme, since I've been saying this since the beginning, but man there are so many cute color combos to pick from :)

Anyone having a green wedding?

1 comment:

Ali said...

My sister JL used the limes in her arrangements. They worked out well and even lasted into the next day!