Sunday, May 23, 2010

Bobblehead night is a Holiday :)

Tuesday night was Roy Halladay Bobble head night and CK was there as well as one of my besties, so I was on my own.  Work has been pretty stressful lately, packed with drama, so having a night to catch up on my blog reader and DVRed shows, was just what this bride-to-be needed.  I admit, I actually flipped back to the phillies at times, to check the score. :)  However, between flipping I found this awesome wedding that is Baseball themed and colors look very similar to that Philly team of mine.

  Style me Pretty is the best, check out the full wedding there :)

Looove these centerpieces...

And here, I love how the escort carts are tickets and how they are alphabetical, makes sense...

And they had them sign a bat and ball, very cool...

Lastly, I love these centerpieces as well.  I really like the idea of objects in a vase, that aren't flowers, as we know I'm not real into the whole flower concept. can I use these ideas in my wedding??

Is your wedding a good catch??

1 comment:

Janna said...

How cute!! Love the way they used the baseballs in the vases!