Monday, May 10, 2010

J + B forever (other brides to be)...

So there are many people that are engaged right now in my life and I think it's super awesome to be able to share this experience with all of them.  (Thankfully, for my sanity, I'm not a bride who's bothered by it because I have heard horror stories about this.) Out of all the couples, CK and I have been together the longest, so it was no surprise to the other brides that we would have a shorter engagement.  Some of them decided to wait some wanted to do it right away.  Two of the brides-to-be that I was around have the same couple initials J and B.  (I actually just realized this when I was creating this entry).

The first J and B (J is Ck's cousin) are getting married very sooooon in Aug.  This is the wedding that CK is so excited about because it's at Penn State (yay!) Last Sunday we celebrated with J at her wedding shower.  She got lots of exciting gifts and the theme was super cute "tying the knot" think shells, a lifesave, and other nautical things.  I even incorporated the theme in one of my gifts to her, check it out,cute right? Notice the sign says j + b, awww. haha.

(personal photo)

here's some inspirations for other Knot theme stuff..

And then my BM, who I referenced as P, is actually B and her groom is J.  So they are a J and B also!  This weekend I spent the day, avoiding bridesmaids dress shopping, and went looking for a wedding dress with P and her family.  She looked amazing in everything so it will probably be a tough choice but she's lucky because no matter what she will look fabulous.  She's not getting married for a little over a year, but boy, she probably has more planned than me.  Very impressive! I gave her a fun engagement basket to officially celebrate her engagement, filled with fun things like magazines, blue nail polish for her something blue, rock candy for her big rock, awesome wedding books for references, bride and groom rubber duckies, and other silly things like that. I think it turned out pretty cool. you can tell I love the letters right?

(personal photo)

So here's to the happy couples of Js and Bs.

Do you know any J's and B's?


Janna said...

We're a J & B! :) I love those letters- definitely gonna figure out a way to use them at our wedding!

Jeanne said...

Love this post! And I'm so glad that the adorable plate you made for us made it into your blog :-)

Jeanne said...

Love this post! And I'm so glad that the adorable plate you made for us made it into your blog :-)