Monday, May 31, 2010

Wedding Crasher or Innocent Bystander?

Have you ever seen the movie Wedding Crashers? If you haven't, its good for a laugh.  I think my senior year of college we have a few copies floating around our group that we'd put in the DVD player when we couldn't sleep.  Looking at this concept now as a bride, hmm, maybe it isnt that funny.  I mean weddings cost a lot of money if you are at a nice venue that you are paying per plate.  How do people even get away with this?  Anyway, anxiety aside, I actually have a reason to bring this up. 
This weekend CK and I spent the weekend at my family's jersey shore house.  Listen, this summer I feel the need to clarify...before you get any ideas there was no girls getting punched in the face or fist pumping, excessive hot tubs scenes, late night club trips, there was no Situations, or drama, etc...(source)

While we were down, we got to lay out on the beach for a little, see some family friends, and I got to go to my friend G's shower (more to come on this).  While I was away at the shower, my mother decided to take a walk on the boardwalk and stumbled upon people setting up for a beach wedding!  So, like any mother-of-a-future-bride, she stuck around to see the show.  Apparently there we other bystanders on the boardwalk admiring the ceremony, but I ask, is she considered a wedding crasher or an innocent bystander? Well, in her defense, she obviously didnt stay for food or anything, so I'd say she isnt a crasher but she did take notes like a good mom.  But interesting thought, right?  Your small little beach ceremony turns into a giant show?? Well, with that inspiration, I share some pics from a wedding in Avalon, NJ (where the shower was) and the pics before the ceremony at the Boardwalk in Ocean City, NJ. (Source for all these photos)

The boardwalk give such a playful POP of color, right?

Love how this one catches all the motion of the boardwalk, yet has the couple right in the middle, standing still in time. Like they are trying to take it all in, just the two of them, amongst everything else.

Love this one too.  Chopping the heads off the party, once again, keeps focus on the two of them, yet still includes everyone.

Just had to throw this one in.  Even if you don't love color, these blue flowers are amazing.  I'm thinking they are very similar to what my friend G's wedding will look like, and they are well, to die for :)

Soo, if you have your wedding on the beach, are you to expect "innocent bystanders"?

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