Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The tasting...Part 1-The Cake

OK, so I know its been awhile.  I've been slaving away at the save the dates (pics soon to come).  However, we did have the tasting last nite and I have to share.  This was also the first time CK was actually going to see where we are getting married.  I felt my stomach churning a little as we turned the corner into the parking lot, anticipating what rediculous comment he would make, though I wasn't expecting "ohhh it's a Gnome's home" (in reference to the building that I thought looked like a perfect castle-like).  Ughh! He immediately whipped out his cell phone to text his best man this too, because he thought this was just hysterical.  He got over this quickly.

So as for the tasting, I will split this up into two posts because I have to get back to the save the dates project.  So let's start with the dessert because, hey, why not.  I'm just not a good bride.  Remember when I said, I wasn't a huge fan of flowers. Well, brace yourself, I strongly dislike cake as well.  I know, I'm lame, but I've just never really been a fan.  I'll eat the icing sometimes, but that gets sickening after awhile too.  What do I do for my birthday? (which is at the end of this month) Well, I always get ice cream cake! Now clearly, this is not an option, thouch CK asked if it was.  Oh yea, CK hates cake too.  So, the cake tasting part was kind of funny, if you can imagine.  My mom loves chocolate so of course she was drawn to that.  My Dad didn't really have a strong option and CK and I could have cared less.  Then my mom was referring to each piece as stale, which well, didnt help me pick considering none really Wowwed me.  However, I checked out the book of designs for the cake while they ate and that was the exciting part for me.  I saw one that had cascading dots, which kind of looked like they were falling.  That's the one. CK hated the dots, surprise surprise.  My mom and I had to tell him that it goes with our theme of "falling in love" which he acted like was a surprise, though I know he knows about all this.  (don't let him trick ya). 

We're going to have two other desserts on the table for those like me and CK who aren't all about this cake business.  We're thinking we are going to do cannolis (italian tradition) and then edible flowers (like the fruit kind) on each table.  Different, but not too sweet since we aren't huge candy fans either.  We are still trying to decide if it makes sense to have the bakery do the cannolis or family...but I think it may not be worth the stress of having family do it.

Lastly, I leave you with this picture of a bride who was quite the opposite of me and apparently the cake was the most important thing of her wedding.  I know, there are a lot of people out there that think the cake is what makes the wedding.  (I hope if these type of people come to my wedding, they will realize that's not my, or CK's, style ) Yes, that is her wedding dress, which is also her wedding cake!

Is the cake really what makes the wedding??

1 comment:

Aunt Jane said...

no way. I don't even remember tasting the cake. Don't sweat the cake.