Wednesday, April 21, 2010

ER contact part 3...the second surgery...

OK, I know, I am really a blogger slacker.  We have been super busy, dealing with the save the dates (will show you in the next couple days) and CK's latest with his arm.  On Monday, CK had his second operation on his arm to get the many pins taken out.  I talked to the doctor when the surgery was over and he said everything went great (or basically as great as it could go).  Nothing fell apart when he pulled the pins out sooo that's a plus in my book.  He goes back next week to get the stitches out and then we "just have to see how time heals him".   The bride in me had this nagging voice in my head screaming  to ask the doc "will he be in a cast or splint in Octtttober??? WHHat about these expensive photos I am paying for!!!!" 
(personal photo)

Of course, I didnt ask because I was too busy asking more obviously important questions like Do we expect complications again and what level of pain should I expect? I mean, CK, has the best doc, the cheif of Orthopedics at a really good hospital in Philly, so he clearly didnt have the time to be dealing with superficial questions.  But it lead me on a search to see how other brides may have handled this.

In this wedding party, you can see the the groom and his friends are a little silly (hmmm...poor bride) and looks like the groom picked to have a black cast, how formal of him...

And in this wedding the bride is the one with the broken arm and she changed the color of her dresses so her cast would match, who knew there would be so many color options in plaster (hmm, a pink cast for CK is sounding preeeetty awesome, If you ask me)...

and lastly this Groom put his broken arm in a splint kinda-thing, which may actually be our situation, but maybe time and CK's great immune system, will be on our side..

Are you faced with any challenges for your photographs?

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