Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The book for the guests...

"We need a book for our guests to sign?" Oh my lovely future-to-be has no clue when it comes to wedding stuff sometimes.  When discussing the guestbook, he checked this off as "one of the things that makes no sense to have and a waste of money".  Hmm, though I kind of agree, I had to explain that this is a way to remember who attended and help with thank-you notes and stuff.  CK claims he will remember everyone who is there, which is very sweet, but c'mon a 200+ guestlist, I'm not so sure he will, especially since his only request was to have his favorite beer waiting for him. Ok, but seriously, the guestbook, ehhh, I wasn't so into it (surprise, surprise).  But after thinking, actually, the onlllly detail I knew I wanted in my wedding before I knew there would ever be a wedding, was my idea for the guestbook :) So, let's discuss.  The above photo is a pretty elegant traditional book.  Everyone will place their names and addresses in it and it would probably end up in some box somewhere never to be looked at again.

Next option, which I have seen a lot of lately, is the photo mat.  You can put a photo in and have everyone sign around it in pretty colored pens or just black.  Cute, and you could hang it in your house for memories...

Then going off that idea, the latest, is having a polariod camera, and having each guest take their photo and then write a caption with it.  This could be cool to see what everyone looked like and then create a scrapbook type idea with it. However, the photos could turn out a little risque with some of our guests.

And taking the idea of signing something like a photo mat or plate (which I've seen look awesome too) this couple was so creative with their outside wedding idea of signing a tree/bench...

That idea lead me to a search of trees, because we are doing the falling in love , leaf idea...Check out this one, each guest signed a leaf and at the end they had a great tree...

Ck would probably complain that we dont need a tree in our house though, so I kept on the search.  Some of you readers out there might have seen this idea.  "leaf your mark on our tree".  Each guest would place a finger in a green ink pad and then create a Guest tree.  Supppper cute and fits the theme! However, I can see green fingers trying to eat at the cocktail hour going not so well, maybe?

So lastly, I show you this. Which is pretty much what I had thought of years ago, but didnt want to tell anyone in fear that someone like my mother would be upset that I was non-traditional.  A guestbook painting :)  We just moved into the house and what better way to add color to our walls then a painting that everyone we love has contributed too.  Then when people come over they can say "oh I did that part".  Plus I am an artist so it would not be a surprise to most that I would do something like this because it totally fits me :)

Now, most brides who did this idea, (which I thought was original but apparently others think like me), did a grid-like concept.  I am planning on not doing that.  I am going to get a large canvas and draw on two figures (bride and groom possibly) and then create shapes/pieces like a Van Gogh for those art people out there.  Then number them and attached a number to each paintbrush so that it will be a "paint by number" concept for those people who arent artsy.  I did this because otherwise I can seem some guests painting inappropriate body parts or something (I'm sure you can use your imagination of who's friends that may be).  I am thinking about having the paintbrush numbers coniside with the table numbes (that was CK's idea actually) and somehow connect with the placecards.  Different but so me, right?  Even my mom, who's tradtional, thinks it's cool.  I'm going to pick like 3 or 4 colors and let the guest chose their color.  Probably colors that coordinate with the wedding or one of the rooms in our house. Some the groom figure, could end up all pink shades, if I'm lucky :)  I figure if it turns out really weird, I can always fix it a little.

How will your guests leave their mark??

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