Sunday, April 11, 2010

The colors, well maybe :)

I have talked to a lot of brides and it seems that I am not the only one who has changed their mind on colors like 50 million times.  It's hard!!  I know, and you all now know, how much I love pink (its no secret).  In fact, although I am not discriminating towards any shades of pink, my heart swoons for hot pink.  Remember, I'm the girl with the pink ring after all.  I found this new site which has awesome decorating ideas because I have a new house that CK complains I am neglecting, whopps.  Look at this awesome room :)
Yea, yea, obviously not gonna happen in my house (which is turning out to have a lot of blue-boo).  However, in my wedding, maaaybe.  ha!  I love the look of the first row that pale pink with the third row, the obiviously KWAK-color HOT PINK.  Here's my problem though, CK hates pink.  Isn't that irnoic that I am marrying someone who hates pink when I am notorious for the color, that even my keyboard at work is pink.  Hmmm, what's a pink loving bride-to-be to do? Well, CK loves that Sinatra type vibe so, because he doesnt do much with the planning, we took that idea and ran with it.  So the wedding is going to be this like old-school glamous vibe.  Remember I share the pic of my wedding crush-the bridesmaids with the cool hair and necklaces? Well, going with the glam idea we will be using lots of silvers and golds with the hot and pale pinks.  It's fall too, so I can't really do extreme bright colors and it look right.  Plus, I've alllllways love sparkles and diamonds (only because they are my birthstone of course).  So, I share with you the second color inspiration board for my glam fall wedding.  Of course we aren't sure what my girls are going to wear yet, but I the latest is we are leaning towards the nudeish-gold color with hot pink flowers and those big chunky pearl necklaces with hot pink ribbon ties the back.  Remember this all can change though, they may end up in pink dresses afterall. haha. So check below, awesome for fall and glam right?

Anyone else struggle with picking their colors?

1 comment:

Mrs. Wedding Crasher said...

I love your blog! You are adorable! I love high school sweetheart romances!

PS I am enjoying following your blog and would love if you could follow mine too. I am a brand new blogger.