Monday, March 15, 2010

Flowers?? well, it may be difficult

Flowers...who knew picking flowers would be so diificult.  Well, here's the deal, I dont have my colors picked yet so how am I supposed to tell someone who's life revolves around flowers that I'm not so into this whole part?!? Not so easy.  I know pink is an obvious but I am not so sure about the other colors, plus I can't do tooo much pink because CK will be upset, remember he hates pink!  The problem is, when you are trying to plan your wedding in 8 months, you have to book the florist early, or you wont have any flowers.  And although, I probably wouldnt care about the latter, I know other people will.  So I'm stuck. 

My mother and I headed to the florist that our site recommended after work last week.  Tired from a long day at work, I wasn't sure what to expect.  He seemed very nice and willing to work with us within the budget I told my mom we had to stay in.  I mean, if you dont have a budget, flowers can get out of hand, and considering I dont really care about them, I don't want to blow the budget on such.  My major issue is that I want something different, that noone else is doing, you know CREATIVE.  However, I guess in wedding vendor lingo that would probably be looked at as a COMPLICATED, ohh well!  I'm not sure if he got that, but we'll see, I'm going to continue to research while we wait to get his quote.  What kind of flower arrangements do you make for a bride who is into unqiue concepts, doesnt really care about the specific flower but loves pink, and has a groom who hates pink?? yea, a challenge.  Plus he felt my ideas were not his style, which at the time I understood, but after talking to CK (who could care less) I realized that just because it's not "his style" it is "my" wedding.  So stay tuned on this one, it could get interesting.  CK reminded me while I was starting to get stressed over looking for non-floral arrangements that I have something special that actually involves flowers, so I can't completely hate them (see above photo). This container is filled with a petal from every flower that CK has ever given me.  Yea, pretty cute, he's right, it made me smile.

Were you challenged by picking the floral arrangements? 


Ali said...

You can have gumballs if you want...tell him to chew on that :)

miss fancy pants (the bride) said...

Sorry the flowers are stressing you out so much! But I think your partner is right, obviously flowers mean something to you, so it's good to take time to think about it.

I think I stressed more over my bouquet than I did over the centerpiece decision. I know I will want to preserve the flowers from the bouquet, but the centerpieces didn't really matter much to me. So we opted for an inexpensive, DIY and eco-friendly option by choosing potted plants. I've painted terra cotta planters and we're going to buy enough flowers to fill them from a local garden center a week or two before the wedding. And afterward, instead of throwing them away, they'll be planted in our family's gardens.