Sunday, March 7, 2010

Picking our teams (part 1)

CK and I had talked about our wedding, before I knew there would ever be such a thing.  Incase I didn't mention this, CK has told me as long as I can remember, that "getting married is the cool thing to do" and that I should not anticipate a ring anytime soon.  He thinks he's halarious.  Anyway, one night CK told me that in our wedding he thinks these said people should be on my "team".   Team? If you are confused by what I am talking about, don't worry so was I.  My "team", or what normal people refer to as "my bridesmaids", were who he was talking about in a sports analogy kinda way (sooo boy).  Now, being that I thought I wasn't going to get engaged, I was a little irritated that he would think he had a say in who was "my team".  However, due to the fact that we have been together for like ever, he was completely on point.  I would have without a doubt chosen everyone he said.  You know, the sisters and the best friends, typical.  His team was a little bit trickier to pick, excluding the best man and the brothers obviously.  When its all said and done, as long as everyone agrees, we will have 5 on each of our teams.   Now, I saw some really cute ways to formally ask someone to be a bridesmaid and of course my creative brain ran with it.  I wanted to make some for the boys too, but CK said "that's dumb, I'll just give them a case of beer". So whatever, my team should be receiving something in the mail anyday now and his team probably doesn't even know the darn date yet.

Did you know right away who was going to be in your wedding and how did you ask them??

1 comment:

Janna said...

I knew who would be in my bridal party, FI had to do a little more thinking about his. I asked my girls by sending them a cute card I'd found with a poem- and for my flowergirl, I had a shirt embroidered with flowergirl on it.
My favorite response to the card was a disney princess valentine that just had YES! written on it!