Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Where's my underwear??

Hmmm, its been awhile since I have been able to write, because besides all the other things happening, I officially moved. Yes, yes, please get your dirty mind out of the gutter, the title of this entry is about that...I moved out of my apartment with one of my favorite girls and moved in with CK.  Yea, we are officially living in sin for the next year, Sorry God.  Problem is the boys moved me in, CK had to supervisor due to the whole arm situation, and now I have absolutely no clue where things as simple as the box containing my underwear are. Grrr...So its been awhile, however I am so lucky that one of CK's BFFs works for a truck company.  What size truck do you need for all your shoes?? hahha they think they are so funny, but it's true, I have a lot of shoes.  I love the color pink and I love make-up, dresses, and shoes, I'm a girl, come on, right?!?! I'm a girlie-girl to the tee and CK well, he is verrry boyish.  Every room in our house he wanted to paint blue.  Blllue??  ugggh he is less than thrilled that all my pink things came from my apartment and landed in the house.  I mean, I guess you don't realize how many pink things you actually have until they are all in one room being pointed out by name like that annoying person on the long car trip who reads every sign as you pass.  "A pink light, a pink clock, pink pillows, 6 pairs of pink flip flops, you even have a pink DVD player"...yeaa...stay tuned...it should be interesting meshing all of our things together with discussions on why his beloved poster of Rob Zombie but not be appropriate above our bed...all jokes aside, it is soo nice to be in one place and not have to drive to go see eachother.  I'm very thankful that we have an awesome house to create an awesome life with eachother.

Were you traditional or untraditional when it came to moving in together?

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