Monday, February 15, 2010

Valentines day

"Hallmark holiday" is a disparaging term, used predominantly in the United States, to describe a holiday that is perceived to exist primarily for commercial purposes, rather than to commemorate a traditionally significant religious or secular event....Do u see where I am going with this??? CK claims that Valentine's Day is a Hallmark Holiday, (boo!)  I love this day, because its the one day I can wear pink and noone thinks anything of it.  Surrounded with pink hearts and love, what's a girlie-girl to do but smile!? 
Ohhhh, Valentines day (still smiling when I say it).  This year, we spent the day visiting our first venue Open house (yes that's right I still don't have a place yet).  I thought this place was "the place" but being a princess in an old mansion castle-like, turned into poor lighting, few dingy bathrooms, and strict guidelines.  Hmm, oh and I forgot to mention that it cost $9000 just to rent the place and then you have to use all their preferred providers that were not really our style, maybe too upscale? I mean the food was some kind of fish with raspberry dressing and roasted almonds pieces.  I mean sounds upscale but, I really only eat chicken and CK eats beef, so I guess that makes us old fashion.  However, My parents and CK and I had a fabulous breakfast and picked up lots of great stuff....look at all these bags!  One of the things you need to know about my father, is that he realllly enjoys free stuff.  There was a ton of vday chocolates and other goodies, including a bottle of wine we won in the raffle (pretty exciting).  Soo maybe it wasn't the place but it wasn't a total waste of time (at least in my eyes).

We went to two other places which seemed ok, but lacked that wow factor.  My parents went to a County Club after we left and my mom called loudly saying it's THE PLACE.  Now I just have to find time to check out THE PLACE and confirm this.  Oh yea, and guess what? It's snowing again. Boooo....

Is valentine's day a fabulous holiday or invented by Hallmark?  How many places did you think were "the place" before you actually found "the place"?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I think it really is THE PLACE!!!!