Sunday, February 7, 2010

Snow, trumps Venue picking

So, incase you are not on this coast, we got a ton of snow! At one point, I walked outside and it was up past my bellybutton!! (I'm not lying, I think it was a snow drift and the tree, I dont know).  Remember that CK has a broken arm too, so guess who did the shovelling?!? yes this girl, however, how lucky am I...our neighbors came and helped me because they saw CK in cast. It was soo nice of them and I have to think of something to do for them.

However, we were supposed to look at venues this weekend. Snow, trumps venue picking.  So, stuck in the house with a hurt fiancee, I began using my time to play on the computer and look through my zillion wed mags.  I start to think about what my dream wedding would be.  Haaaa, this will never happen, however, for those of you who know me, wont be surprised when I remind you that Barbie is my idol.  She's the only bitch who can drive around in a pink car, and not get negatively talked about! So, I spent time on google...and, wait for it...a PINK BARBIE CASTLE!!!!

Yea, Yea, I's not even in this country so dont worry, but hoooow awesome :) We shall see what I actually get, all I know is, if we can afford it, I would like something unique and vintagey since I'm artsy and all.

What's your dream venue?

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