Saturday, February 6, 2010

"well you were my emergency contact soo..."

Every year on the Friday before the Superbowl, philly fans gather at sometime very early in the morning and attend Wing Bowl.  A place where they watch contestants try and eat a gazillion wings and other rediculous things happen.  It's a Boys thing, I dont go, nor have a desire too, and they have been doing this since High School.  Its kinda cool that they have a tradition.  If you have no clue what I am talking about, you should check out the above pictures.  This year was no exception....

Around 3:15pm I got a miss called from CK, which I thought was weird because I knew he should probably be sleeping by then sicne they have been up all night and day.  There was a vmail from his P, his coworker, telling me there has been an accident, were at the hospital, CK has broken his writst, and may need surgery, call us back ASAP.  Not what a fiancee wants to hear, right?.  I called and of course no one answers.  I talk to CK when he calls back to find out that he may need to have pins put in his arm, but he doesnt want to. (Its a long story so I wont bore you with the details) However, I drive a fabulous convertible thats not good in the snow and we have a huge snow storm beginning to start.  Luckily he had his P there to support him and he got home.  No pins yet, but a cast, and we will have to see next week, if pins are needed.  Now I was called at 3:15, but would it shock you to hear that they had been at the hospital since 11am?! They didnt want to bother me at work. Though I would have liked to know, I see where they are coming from I guess.  Why was I called at all then?  "Well you were my emgerency contact sooo...if I had to have surgery then.." Ahhh, being the emergency contact.... Wish us luck as we are snowed in and in pain.

Are you anyone's emergency contact?

1 comment:

Cross Country Wed said...

I have B as my ICE (in case of emergency) person in my cell and for work. He just got some paperwork where he needs to list his beneficiary for his Social Security or something and it was REALLY weird when we realized that person.... is me....