Sunday, February 21, 2010

ER contact part 2...It was more serious than we all thought.

It's been awhile since I have wrote on here...remember when I said it comes a point in your relationship when you become eachother's "contact in case of an ER"? Well, if you have been following you would know that CK broke his wrist 2 weeks ago.  Due to the snow, his follow up with the doc had to be rescheduled twice, but we knew the doc was going to say surgery may be needed. What we didnt know is that, he wasn't going to give CK and option, he hadddd to have the surgery. Grrreat. (I'm going to try and keep the story short-one so that we "dont worry anyone" and two because of time). 

Basically, the surgery took longer than anticipated, which was nerve-racking as you can imagine.  Apparently, it was more serious than we all though.  CK did not just break his wrist, he broke it in a few places and it was worse than the doc and his team expected.  He had to put a screw and numerous pins in CK's arm as well as graphed some bone from higher up in his arm, to ATTEMPT to secure his writst back in place.  (there are no guarentees that he will have full motion back).  The team asked CK to stay the night in the hospital, and if you know CK, you would know that as soon as he could figure out what was going on, he said to my mom, Let's go. Of course he didnt stay over.  We had a very long night, sleeping possibly 20 minutes at a time.  If we weren't so worried, we probably would have broken his other arm for not listening to the doctor!  There were some complications and we have to go back to the hopsital the next day to talk to the doc and get some things re-evaluated. 
 He was in a lot of pain, more than I think he may of realized.  My mom luckily had off from work so she was with us the whole time and we owe her a big thank you  :)    CK is doing much better now, three days later, and he will have his 72 hr. follow up on Tuesday where he will hopefully get a hard cast.  So, our busy lives, had to come to a hault for a few days.  They say to love someone, God puts you through certain random tests and we've been through a lot all these years.  However, this would be considered a large test.  CK doesn't like to ask for help or be babied, so it has been a long weekend but I think we can finally breathe a little now.

Amongst, all of this, I had my first interview for a doctoral program and the other one will be this Wed., I have to move out of my apartment (without CK's strong abilities) by the end of this month aka this week, missing work, and plan, oh yes, a fabulous wedding....ha, simple.

Has your relationship ever been tested and pushed to the limit?

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