Tuesday, February 16, 2010

"It's you, It's always been you..."

K, so don't laugh, but I heart Edward Cullen.  If you don't understand what I am talking about, no, that is not the true name of my fiance but of a character in the Twilight series (4 books made for teens).  I've never really been a reader, because I have horrible ADD.  If fact, I think my natural listening skills and cliff-notes is how I managed to graduate high school. But...I caved in and began reading the twilight series last year.  This is all because my co-workers at both inpatient facilities were reading it, and all of them were older than me, so I didn't feel bad reading a book made for teens.  So, twilight, it's addiciting.  I'm almost done book 3, and this is strange, because most people quickly read through the 500+ page books in a like a month, my sister in a weekend!  (I told you, its addicting and I would know because I am certified as an addictions therapist).  As we all know though, I am super busy so, I have been unable to read for fun unless you count all the wedding mags. They are in the process of making the 3rd movie now and I            (Green Wedding Shoes)

can't wait.  Poor CK, I have made him go to both movies.  The first one, wasnt as good as we thought it could be, but the 2nd one was much better.  Problem is, we went on opening night and there were tons of pre-teens screaming everytime Edward came on, or Jacob for that matter.  In case you don't know, Edward is a vampire and Jacob is a werewolf.  Now, Jake really likes Bella too, but ehh, he's not the one she loves.  (clearly I am team Edward because I think you need to go for the one you love and not settle).  CK, tells me, at the end of the movie, that he likes Jacob.  I told him he's crazy because he is EDWARD! duhhh! In one scene, Edward says "its you, It's always been you".  Of course, CK says this is "retarted".  (I told him I am putting that line in my vows, hahah).  In conclusion, though I have not read the 4th book yet, I see, while looking through my wedding blogs this week, that there was a wedding!- So here's to Team edward and some of the inspirations.  (don't worry I am not having a Twilight wedding-CK would not go for that and I am not that obsessed).

 Would you ever plan a wedding around a book you are reading?

1 comment:

Janna said...

I wouldn't, but a photographer I saw did a session that was Twilight based and the colors they used for the flowers and decorations would make for a beautiful winter wedding.