Friday, February 5, 2010

"Do you believe in soul mates?"

Today at work we decided to have an insightful conversation at 8am (I have no clue why but thats the benefit to working with all women).  My Boss told us about a book she read during jury duty called Soulmates and I butt in, while she was talking, and ask the ladies "Do you believe in Soulmates?"  We didn't come up with a distinct answer except to say that certian people are brought into your life for a reason and that you can have more than one soulmate, like a husband and a best friend who could be your soulmate too. 

Ck and I have been through so much together over all these years.  We have been seperated by other people, or by a move to Texas in high school, going to college in totally seperate states, and then the same city, a lot of stuff.  We continue to somehow find eachother when the dust settles.  When something really good happens or something terrible, hes one of the first I run to.  I couldnt imagine my life without him. He's without a doubt the mac to my cheese :)

When I googled soulmates it said: One theory of soulmates, presented by Aristophanes in Plato's Symposium, is that humans originally consisted of four arms, four legs, and a single head made of two faces, but Zeus feared their power and split them all in half, condemning them to spend their lives searching for the other half to complete them...(interesting, right?) And it also had this picture.  Apparently in a chapel in Italy, young girls of the town come and put needles at the foot of this statue in hopes to find their soulmate.  (man, noone told me about this!)

I may not have a statue to put needles in, but we have some amazing angels up there, that are looking out for me and CK, and I know they are definetly planning our "happily ever after" business.  My mommom and CK's mom passed away within a few years of eachother and both were extremely important people in our lives (so much that I can even give it justice).  I just know they are up there smiling high fiveing eachother.  But can you have other soulmates, that are people that you may not be romantic with, but you have such a connection with, that you know when somethings up before they do?  I think I have a couple of them too...I'm a lucky chick,

So do you believe in soulmates?

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