Tuesday, February 23, 2010


I have been super busy with packing, moving, hospital visits with CK, interviews for doctoral programs, work, amongst the many other things but I have made a big move on the wedding planning as well....10.09.10 the date has been set.  I know some of you may be thinking, October?? I know I know, I thought of myself as a summerish bride as well, but I would like to have some time to actually breathe and have fun with this and not be some manaic trying to plan everything in a few months.  Plus its really hot in the summer and nobody likes a sweaty bridal party!  Now don't get me wrong, I'm well aware that October is not that far away either.  Hopefully this will give CK time to get out of a cast and time for me to work on our house a little, as I am finallllly moving in this week, and time to figure out if I get into school or not. Time...what a fabulous thought.  Time to actually think. Time to just relax, if only, a girl can dream :)

Anyway yes October 9th.  I would have said something earlier but as you read above I have been busy.  It is going to be at a local country club and the place kinda could look a little castle-like.  It's unique and thats what I wanted.  Our ballroom will have a deck off it, the entire length of the room, with numerous grand french doors (and a great place to get some air when needed).  It also faces the 18th hole where the sun will set with greens and bright colors from the trees turning for the fall.  It will be nice plus the food will be spectatular too. You can kinda see the building and our deck in this picture.

The nice thing about this date is it is the Saturday of Columbus weekend so maybe people that wouldnt typically be able to come because they are coming from far away, might be able to now? I hope, but I know its tough, especially when we have another fabulous wedding to go to at the end of September :)

When did you invision yourself getting married? (Wonder if life will alter you choices like it did me, I am actually super excited about the pretty fall colors now because they should make for awesome photos)

1 comment:

Gabrielle said...

Yay! I'm so happy that you picked a date. It'll be a whirlwind of planning but so fun. Can't wait to hear about where you will be having it!