Thursday, July 1, 2010

one hundred :) (theres an Ap for that)

(personal photo)

Well, everyone, it's officially 100 days until the wedding and yes I'm a terrible bride and the only reason why I know this is because I have an I-Phone and there's an app for that. :)  All it has is the countdown.  Ck noticed that it says "god's knot" at the bottom and I have no clue why, haha.  But a lot has happened in the past 100 days and my little heart is only wondering what is next to come.  For those of you who are just tuning in, let's take a walk down memory lane for this post....
1. At the end of February, Ck broke his arm in 6 places....see post here

2. and we picked a location and a date......see post here

3. In the beginning of March, I asked my girls to be part of my team...see post here
4. In the middle of March, I chose big letters for our entrance to our ceremony, our letters are so awesome because its CK and KC, yay!...see post here and I also chose the look for my girls, vintage with chunky necklaces during this post
5. At the end of March, I picked this detail and have everyyyone saving me toilet paper rolls (CK is thrilled to have a house full of toilet paper rolls) see this post here

6. In April, I shared with you my *wedding crush and inspiration...see all the full pics here
7. and I shared our unique way of asking our guests to save the date....see it all pics here

8. In May, I shared my struggle with picking BM dresses and the pick of the fuchsia bridesmaids this post

9. and I also shared about going dress shopping with one of my BM, who recently got engaged at this post

10. And then there was was a long car got broken into in the first week in June and all my wedding stuff was stolen...seen here
11. and the jeweler had my ring for not the promised 1 to 2 weeks, but for six and half weeks...see here

12. and my maid of honor switched her title to Matron of honor as she caught onto the wedding fever and decided she is going to get married in 2 1/2 months, labor day weekend in which I am her #1 as well...see it here and here
So whats left for the crazy life of this bride to be??? Well, I have been helping my #1 plan her wedding with her mom a lot these nights so its been tough to do some wedding stuff.  But posts to come should include, the official decision on the boys attire, the invitations,escort card ideas, the programs, the shower and the bach. parties for both me and my number 1 since I'm planning those for her, and I'm sure other fun details that pop up in my life along the way.  Stay tuned, I'm sure the best is yet to come :)

Did you feel ready on the 100 day mark?

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