Sunday, March 7, 2010

She musssst I sealed the deal with the pink ring

This weekend CK demanded that "we get some things accomplished".  Here's the thing, we bought a house at the end of 2009, which is totally awesome and I love it!!  However, before the whole breaking the arm incident, CK had I painted two rooms and started making more modern changes to our awesome vintage Cape Cod.  Obviously, like everything else in my life, the alterations had to be put to the side due to the above issue.  Now, this upsets CK, but I mean, what can ya do?  Clearly, I am not going to be able to do these things with these loud tools like he would, so I am focusing on the wedding stuff which it totally more fun and less messy anyway.  Ck, is less than thrilled, so when he reports he would like us to be productive this does not include writing a latest blog entry or researching floral centerpieces...booo.

One of CK's plans for me for this weekend included waffles for breakfast.  You should know, that CK verbalized early into our relationship that the girl he will marry mussst cook.  This was a concern for me at first, but after having a summer off from work due to being sick, I feel in love with Ms. Rachel Ray

Yes, Yes, I know people say she isn't a real chief but I loved her show.  She taught me how to make simple things in 30 minutes.  (perfect for a working chick like me).  Ck says I should do the cooking because he "worked hard all day" but umm, join the club darling!  Things are different in this day and age and I work a pretty stressful day myself.   However, women's rights aside, I acutally love cooking now 95% of the time.  So when he asked for waffles, I was super excited to use my new waffle maker I got for christmas from my Aunt E.  I researched (incase you haven't realize I like unique things) and found this waffle maker to ask for, (it makes hearts!!)  I guess this is one less thing I put on my registry because mine works fabulously.  You can see by the final product...this must be how I sealed the deal with the pink ring. 

Did your groom have expectations of his future wife?  How'd you seal the deal for your ring?

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