Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Rumors are true...

Two couples CK and I are close to, got engaged this past Friday!!  We are super psyched but for two totally different reasons.  I was excited because both couple has been together for a long time and both are great couples.  Ck was excited because "misery loves company" in relation to how boys look at weddings.  Typical, right?  He says that because he thinks it's the cool thing to say, but deep down I know he cares, because 10 minutes later he was asking me details.  Its kind like how he says gossip magazines are trash but then he knows who is cheating on who and so on.  However, he did bring up a good point.  "Remember when being engaged was fun?" haaa, this is coming from the boy who has had like 5% of the planning involvement.  But, I agree, we are going to make a big attempt to make it fun again. :)

We then laughed while discussing how certian people got mad because we didnt call them that night and so on. The rediculousness of it all.  Luckily in our generation, it is easy to due a text message to the masses and call the VIPs.  Also, the next is waiting for the inevitable change of facebook status. I mean seriously, who would have thought years ago, that a stupid change of relationship status was so important but, it has become that.  With my group of college friends (the train), it seems to be the email the following day that goes out.  So I said to my friend P, "So you do the train email tomorrow".  Funny, but since we are all in our mid-20's, engagements keep poping up everywhere.  I'm sooo excited though, more people to discuss ideas with, Yay!

What do you friends do to spread the news?  Did you upset anyone by not telling them fast enough?

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