Saturday, January 30, 2010

"Nobody Likes a Fat Bride"

This week I was listening to an engaged 20 something discuss what she had eatten in the past week and how "Nobody Likes a Fat bride".  Now, though her thoughts maybe questionable, this got me to thinking...She had no clue that I had just gotten engaged myself, until two minutes later when she saw my ring but hmmm...does she have a point? Everyone loves the bride, no matter what the size, right?  Brides are always beautiful, well not that you have to be underweight to be beautiful, uggh I don't know.  Am I stuck in this fairy tale land where every bride is beautiful just because she is a bride? I set out to go to the gym this week with my newly gifted memebership from CK, the fiancee.  CK plans to go too (I guess someone told him nobody like a fat groom either)...

So I went to the gym, only to find out that everybody else must have been told that nobody likes a fat bride too!  There were so many people there I couldn't even find a machine that I wanted to use.  Soo I settle for the bike, not even a tredmil was open. 

Oh well, atleast I am attempting to go to the gym, right?....I went another night at a totally different hour (not right after work when everyone goes) and same issue, found myself on the bike.  ughh, new years resolutions you think?  I started investigating...there are so many books out there on bridal bootcamp, you could go a little nuts.  (Don't worry- I maybe a type-A person but working in an Eating Disorder treatment center, I will have plenty of people in my business to keep me in line whether I like it or not). Our issue-when you have been with someone since high school, they look much different with age.  We look much different and when our guests see pictures from our past, they may be shocked (those that haven't known us over all these years...)  Well I'm off to the gym (wish me luck for an eliptical).

Is it really your size that makes you beautiful or is it that someone loves you?

1 comment:

Ali said...

haaaaaaa. It's funny, I heard a similar conversation on Saturday ;)