Thursday, January 28, 2010

"How'd He do it??"

As soon as anyone hears you're engaged one of the very first questions is "How'd he do it?"  Well, then you inevitably have to repeat the story over and over.  I tell them the story with lots of laughs as I admit I was totally shocked, and was being a total pain.  How as soon as I walked in the door, after working a long exhausting week, he says to me "when's dinner?" I tell them how this irritated me.  Then I explain how he demanded we eat in the dinning room and I complained but agreed, after he said "I'm putting my foot down".  Then how he want to drink the pink sparkling wine with the dinner that I was making, and how I said "Noo, thats for special occasions and we dont want to waste it".  I tell them how I complained when he dimmed the lights asking "why must we eating in the dark?" and how when he said he was trying to be romantic, (I was sure he was trying to make a move on me).  (enter laughter at this point).  I then say how he put this penguin shaker on the table (penguin was his Mom's favorite animal) and he claimed the penguin was going to eat with us and I ask him if he has been drinking before I arrived home.  He laughs and I wonder what is so funny.  I talk to the penguin asking him how his day at work was and thanking him for a nice dinner (all the things I wanted him to say to me) and I fake that I am going to throw the penquin at him. It is then that I realize there is something inside of it.  A box, with yes, you guessed it, a PINK ring. Perfe.kt for me....I'm in love with the color pinK and the boy I went to homecoming with when I was 14. 

So for you all out there'd he do it? Were you shocked? and exactly how many times do you think you have told the story??

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