Thursday, February 25, 2010

"It's got a nice curve to it"

Now, at my current job, we rarely talk about curves in a postive light, however, talking to someone today they mentioned how they love the numbers 9 and 10 next to eachother because "It's got a nice curve about it".  After thinking about this, yes I do see that. 10.09.10...the nine kinda curves into the first ten in an artistic way. ( haha, if only the person knew that I could agree with an odd statement like that, maybe I'm losing my mind with all this stress).  While listening to my 100 bizillion vmails from work, I doodled the date and looked at the curves.  OK, remember when G, talked in her blog about how I am obsessed with Pink, well after looking at this picture, I would appear oddly obsessed.  Yes, you are seeing clearly, my keyboard is pink (my father got that for me), I have pink silly putty for stressful moments (my mother got that for me), I have pink heart post-its (gift from my office roomie), and more pink post-its and a pink sparkly ball (gift from my boss).  Here's the thing, when you love something as much as I do, people will see it and think of you.  I think that's how I have been lucky enough to get all these great things.  Ck would say this is too much and tacky but hey, everyone is amazed when they come into my office. :)

While we are discussing dates, I came across this calender necklace which can be found here.
How awesome,right?! It's by this vintage company that is titled something to do with an italian grandmother. (perfect, I heart vintage things and italian gmoms) You can get it in silver too, with a pink saphire, even more perfecccct for me :)

What date would you pick for your dream wedding and does it have a curve to it?


miss fancy pants (the bride) said...

That's such a cute necklace!
We didn't really have a dream date. We knew we wanted something on a Saturday in June and in 2010, so that gave us four dates. My sister has her prom one of those weekends and graduation the next so we ended up picking it arbitrarily. But it ended up working out because my grandparents will celebrate their 51st wedding anniversary the next day, so it's doubly special.

Unknown said...

Is 10/9/10 on a Friday or a Saturday? Ok, my real question is why not 10/10/10?... that would've been epic. Probably booked from like years ago by some rando tho

Kate Kinsley said...

Nicolle, its on a saturday DUH! and Sunday Weddings are pretty tough on guests who have to work or in your case have school, so thats why we didnt go with 10.10.10, so youuuu can actually enjoy yourself :)